Build for production

The build step is sometimes overlooked when it comes to software security, but is critical, as recent events like the SUNSPOT attack on SolarWinds build platform showed. Attacks can consist in tricking the build system into building from modified sources or inserting malicious software in the build environment.

Another important aspect is to allow users to get visibility over how the program was built, for example, by providing a precise list of included components, and ideally to allow the users the check that the produced artifacts actually match this information.

Build process

Build toolchain (BUILD-TOOLCHAIN)

rustup is a very convenient tool for managing Rust toolchains, but does not yet validate signatures for the downloaded files. Depending on your requirements, it may be preferable to choose another installation method like standalone installers which allow you to validate signatures for downloaded files (or a Rust compiler provided by your Linux distribution).

Locked dependencies (BUILD-LOCKED)

When building for production, you should have a Cargo.lock file in the sources, and ensure the build commands include the --locked flag.

This ensures dependencies' integrity (at least compared to when the lock file was committed), as the Cargo.lock file contains a hash for each crate source, that is checked at build. It also ensures the dependencies used for production build match what the source repository contains (git tag, etc.). If there is an inconsistency between the Cargo.lock and Cargo.toml and the --locked flag is passed the build will fail (while the lock file would be automatically updated without it).

Reproducible builds (BUILD-REPRODUCIBLE)

Reproducible builds designates an effort to make software re-buildable from sources with the exact same output, allowing anyone to check that the provided binaries are actually the product of their sources. This requires the build process to be deterministic.

It is currently possible to make reproducible builds in Rust, but it requires some actions to remove build-time absolute paths from the binaries (which are used in debug and panic messages). This also leaks the absolute path of the files on the build system which may not be desirable. To remove them, you need to pass the --remap-path-prefix option to rustc. When using cargo, you can use the RUSTFLAGS environment variable, with something like:

RUSTFLAGS="--remap-path-prefix /path/to/build=/static-placeholder" cargo build --release

Or use a config.toml file for cargo with:

rustflags = ["--remap-path-prefix /path/to/build=/static-placeholder"]

You can pass the option multiple times (and, when multiple re-mappings are given and several of them match, the last matching one is applied). This process will become more straightforward once the RFC 3127 gets implemented in cargo.

Sandboxed builds (BUILD-ISOLATED)

As building Rust code runs arbitrary code locally (procedural macros and, the build environment should be protected against attacks that could lead to persisting malicious software in the build environment. To do so, the build environment should be ephemeral and isolated (in a dedicated container, or -even better- a VM).

Embed dependency list in binaries (BUILD-AUDITABLE)

For traceability, it is useful to be able to get the list of dependencies from a build binary. This allows, for example, auditing for known vulnerability directly on the binary files. This is not done by default in Rust builds, but you can use cargo auditable to include this information.

cargo auditable build --release

You can then see the embedded data with rust-audit-info:

$ rust-audit-info my_program | jq
  "packages": [
      "name": "aho-corasick",
      "version": "0.7.20",
      "source": "registry",
      "dependencies": [
      "features": [
    # [...]

Warning: Due to the way some -sys crate work, some C/C++ native library may be included in the binary but not visible in the embedded data.

Signature (BUILD-SIGN)

There is no specific tooling for signing Rust binaires at the moment, but common approaches can apply You can, for example, use a GPG-based signature.

There is also an open pre-RFC proposing to use sigstore for signing and verifying crates (topic on IRLO).

Software Bill Of Materials (a.k.a. SBOM) (BUILD-SBOM)

Software Bills Of Materials for Rust programs usually need to be created from the sources (as the binaries don't contain enough information).

Warning: Due to the way some -sys crate work, some C/C++ native library may be included in the binary but not visible in the SBOM.

There are available tooling for the two most common SBOM formats in the open-source ecosystems, SPDX and CycloneDX. Choosing a SBOM format is up to you (they should be somehow interoperable).

CycloneDX with cargo-cyclonedx

There is an official CycloneDX cargo subcommand to generate a SBOM from a Rust project source, cargo-cyclonedx

# Produced a `bom.cdx.json` files
cargo cyclonedx --all --format json --output-cdx

It understands cargo workspaces and produces a JSON (or XML) file in the current directory. To aggregate several files, validate or sign them, you can use the cyclonedx-cli.

cyclonedx merge --input-files *.json --output-file myprogram.cdx.json

SPDX and CycloneDX with cargo-sbom

There is a cargo subcommand available to generate an SPDX or CycloneDX SBOM from a Rust project source, cargo-sbom.

# SPDX output (default)
cargo sbom > sbom.spdx.json
# CycloneDX output
cargo sbom --output-format cyclone_dx_json_1_4 > sbom.cdx.json